Massimo Ranieri/”Madre e padre? Punti di appoggio: senza di loro non c’è terra sotto i tuoi piedi…”

Massimo Ranieri / “Mother and father? Support points: without them there is no land under your feet …”
Massimo Ranieri falls from the stage in Naples, how is he? / A broken rib and …
Massimo Ranieri had an extraordinary proposal and from that moment he started doing theater: “he transformed me”. The craftsman started working at the age of only 7. The prospect of him to his father is inevitable: “You can’t understand the absence of these points of support. The moment they bomb you you miss the ground under your feet. In the last period my mother heard it four times a day. day since she neglected. ”
Massimo Ranieri and the lack of his parents
Massimo Ranieri has always remembered where he comes from, starting with the 7-year-old boy: “he keeps me with my feet on the ground as he is a boy who has never carried on a youth. At 7 I got up at 8 in the morning to go to work. That boy never played, he ran to train with his better half, he never survived puberty. I have been working steadily since then and pass that boy into me.

What moves him most today? “I am touched discussing these two points of support with my parents, I miss them so much,” he said, touched. The mother didn’t believe she should sing while the dad notes her amazing abilities. In the long run, however, the mother began to understand that she could have been a singer, but with the difference in voice that the father began to emphasize with the end result of taking him to an expert who prompted him not to sing for. one year. “Then, at that point, I started expressing myself with an educator,” she discovered.
Cristina Calone, who is Massimo Ranieri’s little girl / “I had just seen him on TV …”
His arrival in the theater: extraordinary experiences
This is how the snapshot of the extraordinary achievement for Massimo Ranieri appears: “My incredible luck? I’ve always had my father close to me who kept my feet on the ground”. His father was his most memorable admirer of him: “he had an exceptionally respectable soul of limitless pleasure. He had an imaginative soul.”

Ranieri ha inoltre rivisto con straordinaria emozione il suo atterraggio in teatro e la caduta a capofitto per Lucia Bosè: “Ho perso completamente la testa per Lucia Bosè. Stavamo girando qui a Roma”, ha ammesso. Anche Massimo ha avuto il piacere di collaborare con Anna Magnani: “Sono favorito, canto napoletano per causa sua!”. Tra gli altri straordinari anche Vittorio De Sica: “E’ stato proprio per me una sorta di padre”. Straordinario anche l’incontro con Luchino Visconti. Questi straordinari esperti sono diventati parziali nei suoi confronti “poiché penso che abbiano trovato in me un giovane con una tonnellata di volontà, il desiderio che potevano sfogliare proprio davanti a me, conoscevano la mia storia, vengo dal nulla e questo li ha incantati”.

Zita Russo

"Maddeningly humble communicator. Hardcore creator. General booze addict. Typical zombie advocate."